March 4 - 9, 1999
I first picked up on this back in 1999 when Justice Harry Blackmun (March 4), Stanley Kubrick (March 7) and Joe DiMaggio (March 9) all died within a week of each other. That "death trio" reminded me that just one month earlier King Hussein of Jordan (February 8), John Erlichman (February 14) and Gene Siskel (February 20) all died within two weeks of each other also. WEIRD. An odd phenomenon for sure but it's definitely held up over the years.
Late June 2001: Carroll "Archie Bunker" O’Connor, Jack Lemmon and John Lee Hooker.
June 21 - 27, 2001
September 2003: Johnny Cash, Warren Zevon and John Ritter died within five days of each other.
September 7 - 12, 2003
Some people may claim Peter Boyle started this current James Brown/Gerald Ford death trio but I'm not feeling that. Peter Boyle was a delight but he's not on the James Brown/Gerald Ford level. It's gonna be somebody big. I won't even speculate on who it could be for fear of getting it right and consequently being burned at the stake.
December 25 - ???
The only time I can remember there being a truly unequal death trio was back in 1997 when Princess Diana, Mother Theresa and Lorena Bobbit all died within a week of each other. Oh yeah, you didn't hear about Lorena Bobbit dying? Yeah, yeah, it was a traffic accident, a real bad one too. Yeah, apparently SOME DICK CUT HER OFF!
No, seriously, I hope it's Osama that goes next.