Saturday, January 27, 2007

Portland Update

Worlds reunited at the bar last night as old friends M and S and I met up with all three members of the Mclan at Beulahland on Belmont. J and K were in town visiting E and J, M, S and I all used to be do-gooders together back in the day. The bar offered PBR in a can, a bottle and on tap though was generous with the Jameson. Hipster dude spinning hiphop at the front of the room. I am hungover though there is talk of brunch and then a walk somewhere in the Colombia Gorge. Still no progress on the Portland Project idea front, despite this creative entry from my sister:
Regarding your request for feedback on what "creative" thing to do while in Portland, here is my idea: POO DOLLAR. Put poo on a dollar - put it on the street and hide behind a tree with a video camera. Nuff said.

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