Thursday, May 18, 2006

Viva la Boken

Not to bite Wade's steelo but this place is as real as it gets...shrimp parm w/ fresh mutz!

Most of you know I spent the better part of last year working in Hoboken, NJ and I had many, many memorable adventures. It's a great little town, just across the river from Manhattan, where 1/4 of the under-30 crowd seemed to have graduated from Syracuse University, though these were not the kids I hung out with in college. The youngsters blend in nicely with the elderly ethnic scene to create a vibe similar to what I can only imagine it would be like if you stuck Rutgers in the middle of Sicily. Evidence of the Italian diaspora before your very eyes.

Dedicated blogger and comedian Adam Wade has similar feelings about Hoboken. He's faithfully portrayed Hoboken's small-town feel and conveys the sense of community Hobokenites enjoy.

I never bumped into Adam while I was there but I'll look for him when I go back next spring. I know from these videos we have at least one bar in common:

Adam asks the Reverend: Is it really tricky to rock a rhyme?

Adam's constant praise of a particular Italian Tuna sandwich led Chelsea Peretti over from NYC and begat this funny little thing. I prefer Fiore's shrimp parmigiana (wednesdays!) but Wade is down with my man Greg from the Farside so you know he's good peoples.

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