Friday, February 03, 2006

MoveOn...til the Break of Dawn

1. MoveOn doing what it does best: droppin $100,000 dolla bills to put their Nixon-morphing-into-Bush ad on CNN over the next three days. Frames the debate and puts the call for a special prosecutor into the middle mind. God work, dot-commies.

2. Speaking of the internet, Gore didn't invent it...Tribe Called Quest did. This revelation only occured after seeing their 1991 video for Scenario again recently. Tell me that doesn't look like some Windows-Mac World hybrid shit. Plus, has anyone ever come closer to a pure expression of Hip Hop than "ROWR ROWR Like a Dungeon Dragon"? Answer: Nope. Keep yer eyes peeled for Fab Five Freddy in the moshpit, giant bra-wearin fly girls and Phife in a Roseanne Roseanna-danna wig.

3. Talkin all that Jazz, Stetsasonic. The HipHoppers Strike Back. As long as we're taking a video trip back in the day, I'd like to share another one of my all-time favorites. This song still sounds as dope as the first time I heard it and strikes a blow for the anti-intellectual property rights crowd at the same time. Make sure to listen to the lyrics, including the uptight, repressed white guy in the beginning. Words for Life: When you lie and you talk a lot...people tell you to step off a lot. Damn, I could write a whole essay on this track. Someday.

3. More from the "Oh shit!" file: Classic hip-hop drum samples. Like Ragu, it's in there.

4. Random 1: The list of the 25 Senators opposing Alito. File this away for future reference.

5. Random 2: As if Jon Stewart hasn't gotten enough props already, he's totally down with Slash too. Crazy

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